Magic in islam and its types

One of the greatest taboos and the most severe of sins is what has spread among people today from falling into witchcraft and being lenient in that either out of ignorance or persistence in committing sin despite the knowledge of its prohibition and its danger. Some forms and their things...

The best 10 Islamic stories for kids

The best 10 Islamic stories for kids Some benefits of stories and reading to children: 1. Strengthening bonds with the child 2. arouse curiosity, imagination and communication 3. Expand their vocabulary 4. Encouraging creativity 6. Arouse a child's love of reading ect... Some books you can bake to it: 1-kitab...

Jesus in islam and the quran

Jesus in Islam Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, also known as “Esau” in ancient Hebrew, “Joshua” in modern Hebrew, and “Jesus” in the New Testament, is the Messenger of God and the Messiah in Islam, and is considered one of the first resolve of the messengers. He was sent to...

Belief in The Oneness of Allah

La ilaha illa Allah The meaning of 'La ilaha illa Allah'T his phrase, called the shahada, شَهَادَة‎ (šahāda), or shahadatayn, شَهَادَتَيْنِ‎ (šahādatayni), or Muslim creed, is the declaration of belief in the oneness of God and in Muhammad as His messenger. Recitation of the shahada is considered one of the five pillars of Islam by Sunni Muslims. By sincerely stating the shahada...